// I have two tables:

left: imagefolders with 24 rows
right: conventionreports which might have more than one row with same imagefolder_id (imagegallery_id in my model!) 

public function scopeConventionGalleries($query)
         $query->select('imagefolders.*', 'conventionreports.publicationdate')
            ->join('conventionreports', 'imagefolders.id', '=', 'conventionreports.imagegallery_id')
            ->where('imagefolders.is_conv_gallery', 1)
            ->orderBy('conventionreports.publicationdate', 'desc');


// This leads to the following SQL

"select `imagefolders`.*, `conventionreports`.`publicationdate` from `imagefolders` inner join `conventionreports` on `imagefolders`.`id` = `conventionreports`.`imagegallery_id` where `imagefolders`.`deleted_at` is null and `imagefolders`.`is_conv_gallery` = ? order by `conventionreports`.`publicationdate` desc"

// Which produces 28 rows (so 4 imagefolders are shown doubled

// What can I do to have only the 24 rows from image folders table, but with the first found publication date from the conventionreports table