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																		 <h3 class="title text-error text-blue">$<span class="numbformat">29615</span></h3>
																		 <small>Rewards Earned </small>
								<div class="box-content box-statistic  col-sm-3 ">
																			<h3 class="title text-error text-blue">$<span class="numbformat">8020</span></h3>
																			<small>Rewards Claimed</small>
								<div class="box-content box-statistic  col-sm-3">
																			<h3 class="title text-error text-blue">$<span class="numbformat">50573</span></h3>
																		 <small>Rewards Available</small>
								<div class="box-content box-statistic col-sm-3 ">
																		  <h3 class="title text-error text-blue"> $<span class="numbformat">3561</span></h3>
									 									<small>Charitable Contributions <span class="dark-green" style="color:#126f12" title="This contribution has been doubled per Sweet Rewards’ match bonus!">Match!</span></small>
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					<h2 style="margin-left: 44px;">Total Rewards Earned </h2>


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						<th>Total Earned</th>

					<td> August 28, 2015</td>
						<td>$<span class="numbformat">165</span></td>
					<td> August 26, 2015</td>
						<td>$<span class="numbformat">250</span></td>
					<td> August 24, 2015</td>
						<td>$<span class="numbformat">5090</span></td>
					<td> August 23, 2015</td>
						<td>$<span class="numbformat">20</span></td>
					<td> August 21, 2015</td>
						<td>$<span class="numbformat">3200</span></td>
					<td> August 18, 2015</td>
						<td>$<span class="numbformat">10000</span></td>
					<td> August 17, 2015</td>
						<td>$<span class="numbformat">45</span></td>
					<td> August 14, 2015</td>
						<td>$<span class="numbformat">500</span></td>
					<td> August 12, 2015</td>
						<td>$<span class="numbformat">2531</span></td>
					<td> July 30, 2015</td>
						<td>$<span class="numbformat">453</span></td>
					<td> July 25, 2015</td>
						<td>$<span class="numbformat">4500</span></td>
					<td> July 22, 2015</td>
						<td>$<span class="numbformat">357</span></td>
					<td> July 16, 2015</td>
						<td>$<span class="numbformat">220</span></td>
					<td> July 1, 2015</td>
						<td>$<span class="numbformat">54</span></td>
					<td> June 13, 2015</td>
						<td>$<span class="numbformat">2230</span></td>
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                            <li>Company must be able to produce a minimum of 50 room nights per month to qualify.
							    <li>If a Company receives less than 20 Reward Dollars, the amount is carried over to the next month until at least 20 Reward Dollars are accumulated in order to receive the Visa Gift Card or Charity Check in Company's name (with K&K Hotel Group dollar per dollar matching contribution).</li>
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                          11160 Southwest Freeway  <br />
                          Suite 101<br />
                          Houston, TX 77031  
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                            Email: <a href="mailto:[email protected]" class="">[email protected] </a>
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<script type="text/javascript">

        numberOfMonths: 1,
		 dateFormat: 'yy-mm-dd',
		  maxDate: 'dateToday',
        onSelect: function(selected) {
          $("#datepicker2").datepicker("option","minDate", selected)
        numberOfMonths: 1,
		 dateFormat: 'yy-mm-dd',
		  maxDate: 'dateToday',
        onSelect: function(selected) {
           $("#datepicker").datepicker("option","maxDate", selected)

$(document).ready(function() {
} );

$(document).ready(function() {
	$('#btn').click(function (e) {
    jQuery(window).trigger('resize'); // Added this line to force NVD3 to redraw the chart

} );

$(document).ready(function() {

} );
$.validator.addMethod("lettersonly", function(value, element) {
  return this.optional(element) || /^[a-z]+$/i.test(value);
}, "Letters only please"); 

$.validator.addMethod("passwrdvalidator", function(value, element) {
        return this.optional(element) || /^(?=.*\d)(?=.*[a-z])(?=.*[A-Z]).{6,50}$/.test(value);
},"Password has at least one uppercase one lowercase one number"); 	
rules: {
		"email": {
			 required: true
		 "userrole": {
			 required: true
		"password": {
			 required: true,
messages: {
			"password": { passwrdvalidator:"Password has at least one uppercase one lowercase one number" }

</html><script type="text/javascript" src="http://demo.stellans.com/sweetrewards/assets/js/d3.v3.min.js"></script>
	<script type="text/javascript">
   $(".numbformat").each(function(c, obj){
	function addCommas(nStr)
       nStr += '';
       x = nStr.split('.');
       x1 = x[0];
       x2 = x.length > 1 ? '' + '' : '';
       var rgx = /(\d+)(\d{3})/;
       while (rgx.test(x1)) {
          x1 = x1.replace(rgx, '$1' + ',' + '$2');
       return x1 + x2;

	function dollarFormatter(n) {
	  n = Math.round(n);
	  var result = n;
	  if (Math.abs(n) > 1000) {
		result = Math.round(n);
	  return '$' + addCommas(parseFloat(result).toFixed(2));
( function() {
  var data = {
    lineChart : [
	  				 date  : '2015-06-01',
				label : 'Charitable Contributions',
        value : 2230
	          date  : '2015-07-01',
				label : 'Charitable Contributions',
        value : 54
	          date  : '2015-07-16',
				label : 'Charitable Contributions',
        value : 220
	          date  : '2015-07-22',
				label : 'Charitable Contributions',
        value : 357
	          date  : '2015-07-25',
				label : 'Charitable Contributions',
        value : 4500
	          date  : '2015-07-30',
				label : 'Charitable Contributions',
        value : 453
	          date  : '2015-08-12',
				label : 'Charitable Contributions',
        value : 2531
	          date  : '2015-08-14',
				label : 'Charitable Contributions',
        value : 500
	          date  : '2015-08-17',
				label : 'Charitable Contributions',
        value : 45
	          date  : '2015-08-18',
				label : 'Charitable Contributions',
        value : 10000
	          date  : '2015-08-21',
				label : 'Charitable Contributions',
        value : 3200
	          date  : '2015-08-23',
				label : 'Charitable Contributions',
        value : 20
	          date  : '2015-08-24',
				label : 'Charitable Contributions',
        value : 5090
	          date  : '2015-08-26',
				label : 'Charitable Contributions',
        value : 250
	          date  : '2015-08-28',
				label : 'Charitable Contributions',
        value : 165
    pieChart  : [
        color       : 'red',
        description : 'Charitable Contributions',
        title       : 'flowers',
        value       : 0.44
        color       : 'blue',
        description : 'Gift Cards',
        title       : 'trains',
        value       : 0.55
  var data2 = {
    lineChart : 
				date  : '2015-04-01',
				label : 'Gift Card',
				value : 230      
				date  : '2015-05-01',
				label : 'Gift Card',
				value : 230      
	            date  : '2015-06-25',
				label : 'Gift Card',
				value : 2000      
				date  : '2015-07-25',
				label : 'Gift Card',
				value : 2000      
  var DURATION = 1500;
  var DELAY    = 500;
   * draw the fancy line chart
   * @param  {String} elementId elementId
   * @param  {Array}  data      data
  function drawLineChart( elementId, data ) {
    // parse helper functions on top
    var parse = d3.time.format( '%Y-%m-%d' ).parse;
    // data manipulation first
    data = data.map( function( datum ) {
      datum.date = parse( datum.date );
      return datum;
    } );
    // TODO code duplication check how you can avoid that
    var containerEl = document.getElementById( elementId ),
        width       = containerEl.clientWidth,
        height      = width * 0.4,
        margin      = {
          top    : 30,
          right  : 10,
          left   : 10 
        detailWidth  = 98,
        detailHeight = 55,
        detailMargin = 10, 

        container   = d3.select( containerEl ),
        svg         = container.select( 'svg' )
                                .attr( 'width', width )
                                .attr( 'height', height + margin.top ),

        x          = d3.time.scale().range( [ 20, width - detailWidth ] ),
        xAxis      = d3.svg.axis().scale( x )
							                                .ticks ( 3 )
                                  .tickSize( -height ),
        xAxisTicks = d3.svg.axis().scale( x )
                                  .ticks( 3  )
                                  .tickSize( -height )
                                  .tickFormat( '' ),
        y          = d3.scale.linear().range( [ height, 50 ] ),
		yAxis = d3.svg.axis().scale(y).ticks(4).orient("left").tickFormat(function(d) { return dollarFormatter(d); }),
        yAxisTicks = d3.svg.axis().scale( y )
                                  .ticks( 12 )
                                  .tickSize( width )
                                  .tickFormat( '' )
                                  .orient( 'right' ),
        area = d3.svg.area()
                      .interpolate( 'linear' )
                      .x( function( d )  { return x( d.date ) + detailWidth / 2; } )
                      .y0( height )
                      .y1( function( d ) { return y( d.value ); } ),

        line = d3.svg.line()
                  .interpolate( 'linear' )
                  .x( function( d ) { return x( d.date ) + detailWidth / 2; } )
                  .y( function( d ) { return y( d.value ); } ),
        startData = data.map( function( datum ) {
                      return {
                        date  : datum.date,
                        value : 0
                    } ),

    // Compute the minimum and maximum date, and the maximum price.
    x.domain( [ data[ 0 ].date, data[ data.length - 1 ].date ] );
    // hacky hacky hacky :(
    if(d3.max( data, function( d ) { return d.value; } )>5000){
		var increase = 1.3;
		var increase = 1.5;
   y.domain( [ 0, d3.max( data, function( d ) { return d.value; } ) * increase ] );

    svg.append( 'g' )
        .attr( 'class', 'lineChart--xAxisTicks' )
        .attr( 'transform', 'translate(' + detailWidth / 2 + ',' + height + ')' )
        .call( xAxisTicks );

    svg.append( 'g' )
        .attr( 'class', 'lineChart--xAxis' )
        .attr( 'transform', 'translate(' + detailWidth / 2 + ',' + ( height + 7 ) + ')' )
        .call( xAxis );
    svg.append( 'g' )
      .attr( 'class', 'lineChart--yAxisTicks' )
	  .attr("transform", "translate(" + detailWidth / 1.5 + ",0)")
      .call( yAxisTicks );
	  // Add the y-axis.
      .attr("class", "lineChart--yAxis")
       .attr("transform", "translate(" + detailWidth / 1.5 + ",0)")
    // Add the line path.
    svg.append( 'path' )
        .datum( startData )
        .attr( 'class', 'lineChart--areaLine' )
        .attr( 'd', line )
        .duration( DURATION )
        .delay( DURATION / 2 )
        .attrTween( 'd', tween( data, line ) )
        .each( 'end', function() {
          drawCircles( data );
        } );
    // Add the area path.
    svg.append( 'path' )
        .datum( startData )
        .attr( 'class', 'lineChart--area' )
        .attr( 'd', area )
        .duration( DURATION )
        .attrTween( 'd', tween( data, area ) );
    // Helper functions!!!
    function drawCircle( datum, index ) {
      circleContainer.datum( datum )
                    .append( 'circle' )
                    .attr( 'class', 'lineChart--circle' )
                    .attr( 'r', 0 )
                      function( d ) {
                        return x( d.date ) + detailWidth / 2;
                      function( d ) {
                        return y( d.value );
                    .on( 'mouseenter', function( d ) {
                      d3.select( this )
                          'lineChart--circle lineChart--circle__highlighted' 
                        .attr( 'r', 7 );
                        d.active = true;
                        showCircleDetail( d );
                    } )
                    .on( 'mouseout', function( d ) {
                      d3.select( this )
                        .attr( 'r', 6 );
                      if ( d.active ) {
                        d.active = false;
                    } )
                    .on( 'click touch', function( d ) {
                      if ( d.active ) {
                        showCircleDetail( d )
                      } else {
                    } )
                    .delay( DURATION / 10 * index )
                    .attr( 'r', 6 );
    function drawCircles( data ) {
      circleContainer = svg.append( 'g' );

      data.forEach( function( datum, index ) {
        drawCircle( datum, index );
      } );
    function hideCircleDetails() {
      circleContainer.selectAll( '.lineChart--bubble' )
    function showCircleDetail( data ) {
      var details = circleContainer.append( 'g' )
                        .attr( 'class', 'lineChart--bubble' )
                          function() {
                            var result = 'translate(';
                            result += x( data.date );
                            result += ', ';
                            result += y( data.value ) - detailHeight - detailMargin;
                            result += ')';
                            return result;
      details.append( 'path' )
              .attr( 'd', 'M2.99990186,0 C1.34310181,0 0,1.34216977 0,2.99898218 L0,47.6680579 C0,49.32435 1.34136094,50.6670401 3.00074875,50.6670401 L44.4095996,50.6670401 C48.9775098,54.3898926 44.4672607,50.6057129 49,54.46875 C53.4190918,50.6962891 49.0050244,54.4362793 53.501875,50.6670401 L94.9943116,50.6670401 C96.6543075,50.6670401 98,49.3248703 98,47.6680579 L98,2.99898218 C98,1.34269006 96.651936,0 95.0000981,0 L2.99990186,0 Z M2.99990186,0' )
              .attr( 'width', detailWidth )
              .attr( 'height', detailHeight );
      var text = details.append( 'text' )
                        .attr( 'class', 'lineChart--bubble--text' );
      text.append( 'tspan' )
          .attr( 'class', 'lineChart--bubble--label' )
          .attr( 'x', detailWidth / 2 )
          .attr( 'y', detailHeight / 3 )
          .attr( 'text-anchor', 'middle' )
          .text( data.label )
      text.append( 'tspan' )
          .attr( 'class', 'lineChart--bubble--value' )
          .attr( 'x', detailWidth / 2 )
          .attr( 'y', detailHeight / 4 * 3 )
          .attr( 'text-anchor', 'middle' )
          .text( dollarFormatter(data.value) )
    function tween( b, callback ) {
      return function( a ) {
        var i = d3.interpolateArray( a, b );

        return function( t ) {
          return callback( i ( t ) );
   * draw the fancy pie chart
   * @param  {String} elementId elementId
   * @param  {Array}  data      data
  function drawPieChart( elementId, data ) {
    // TODO code duplication check how you can avoid that
    var containerEl = document.getElementById( elementId ),
        width       = containerEl.clientWidth,
        height      = width * 0.4,
        radius      = Math.min( width, height ) / 2,
        container   = d3.select( containerEl ),
        svg         = container.select( 'svg' )
                              .attr( 'width', width )
                              .attr( 'height', height );
    var pie = svg.append( 'g' )
                  'translate(' + width / 2 + ',' + height / 2 + ')'
    var detailedInfo = svg.append( 'g' )
                          .attr( 'class', 'pieChart--detailedInformation' );

    var twoPi   = 2 * Math.PI;
    var pieData = d3.layout.pie()
                    .value( function( d ) { return d.value; } );

    var arc = d3.svg.arc()
                    .outerRadius( radius - 20)
                    .innerRadius( 0 );
    var pieChartPieces = pie.datum( data )
                            .selectAll( 'path' )
                            .data( pieData )
                            .append( 'path' )
                            .attr( 'class', function( d ) {
                              return 'pieChart__' + d.data.color;
                            } )
                            .attr( 'filter', 'url(#pieChartInsetShadow)' )
                            .attr( 'd', arc )
                            .each( function() {
                              this._current = { startAngle: 0, endAngle: 0 }; 
                            } )
                            .duration( DURATION )
                            .attrTween( 'd', function( d ) {
                              var interpolate = d3.interpolate( this._current, d );
                              this._current = interpolate( 0 );
                              return function( t ) {
                                return arc( interpolate( t ) );
                            } )
                            .each( 'end', function handleAnimationEnd( d ) {
                              drawDetailedInformation( d.data, this ); 
                            } );

    function drawChartCenter() {
      var centerContainer = pie.append( 'g' )
                                .attr( 'class', 'pieChart--center' );
      centerContainer.append( 'circle' )
                      .attr( 'class', 'pieChart--center--outerCircle' )
                      .attr( 'r', 0 )
                      .attr( 'filter', 'url(#pieChartDropShadow)' )
                      .duration( DURATION )
                      .delay( DELAY )
                      .attr( 'r', radius - 50 );
      centerContainer.append( 'circle' )
                      .attr( 'id', 'pieChart-clippy' )
                      .attr( 'class', 'pieChart--center--innerCircle' )
                      .attr( 'r', 0 )
                      .delay( DELAY )
                      .duration( DURATION )
                      .attr( 'r', radius - 55 )
                      .attr( 'fill', '#fff' );
    function drawDetailedInformation ( data, element ) {
      var bBox      = element.getBBox(),
          infoWidth = width * 0.3,
      if ( ( bBox.x + bBox.width / 2 ) > 0 ) {
        infoContainer = detailedInfo.append( 'g' )
                                    .attr( 'width', infoWidth )
                                      'translate(' + ( width - infoWidth ) + ',' + ( bBox.height + bBox.y ) + ')'
        anchor   = 'end';
        position = 'right';
      } else {
        infoContainer = detailedInfo.append( 'g' )
                                    .attr( 'width', infoWidth )
                                      'translate(' + 0 + ',' + ( bBox.height + bBox.y ) + ')'
        anchor   = 'start';
        position = 'left';

      infoContainer.data( [ data.value * 100 ] )
                    .append( 'text' )
                    .text ( '0 %' )
                    .attr( 'class', 'pieChart--detail--percentage' )
                    .attr( 'x', ( position === 'left' ? 0 : infoWidth ) )
                    .attr( 'y', -10 )
                    .attr( 'text-anchor', anchor )
                    .duration( DURATION )
                    .tween( 'text', function( d ) {
                      var i = d3.interpolateRound(
                        +this.textContent.replace( /\s%/ig, '' ),

                      return function( t ) {
                        this.textContent = i( t ) + ' %';
                    } );
      infoContainer.append( 'line' )
                    .attr( 'class', 'pieChart--detail--divider' )
                    .attr( 'x1', 0 )
                    .attr( 'x2', 0 )
                    .attr( 'y1', 0 )
                    .attr( 'y2', 0 )
                    .duration( DURATION )
                    .attr( 'x2', infoWidth );
      infoContainer.data( [ data.description ] ) 
                    .append( 'foreignObject' )
                    .attr( 'width', infoWidth ) 
                    .attr( 'height', 100 )
                    .append( 'xhtml:body' )
                      'pieChart--detail--textContainer ' + 'pieChart--detail__' + position
                    .html( data.description );
  function test() {
      drawLineChart(    'lineChart',    data.lineChart );
	  drawLineChart(    'lineChart',    data2.lineChart );
  // yeah, let's kick things off!!!

		var selected_value = $('#rewrd_selct').val();

<script type="text/javascript" src="http://demo.stellans.com/sweetrewards/assets/js/nv.d3.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
var data = getData();

nv.addGraph(function() {
    var chart = nv.models.multiBarChart()
                  .tooltip(function(key, x, y, e, graph) { //Tooltip sulle barre
                          return '<h3>' + key + '</h3>' +
                                 '<p>' +  y + '</p>';
				  .reduceXTicks(false) //if you need to display the x-axis labels one left one show then remove this
                  .rotateLabels(0)      //Angle to rotate x-axis labels.
                  .showControls(false)   //Allow user to switch between 'Grouped' and 'Stacked' mode.
                  .groupSpacing(0.2)    //Distance between each group of bars.


    chart.xAxis.tickFormat(function(d) {
        var indice = d.replace(/^\d+_/, '');

        if (indice<data[0].values.length) {
            var label = data[0].values[indice].label;                        

            if (typeof label !== 'undefined') {
                return label.replace(/(\d\d)(\d\d)$/,'$2').replace(/<br.+$/, '');
            } else {
                return '/';
        } else {
            return '-';


    d3.select('#divGrafico svg').append("text")
      .attr("transform", "rotate(-90)")
	  .attr("y", 0 - 0)
      .attr("x",0 - (460 / 2))
      .attr("dy", "1em")
      .style("text-anchor", "middle")
      .text( 'Rewards ($)' );

    d3.select('#divGrafico svg')


function getData() {

    return [
        "key": "Total Earned",
        "values": [{'x':'0','y':2230,'label':'Jun'},{'x':'1','y':54,'label':'Jul'},{'x':'2','y':220,'label':''},{'x':'3','y':357,'label':''},{'x':'4','y':4500,'label':''},{'x':'5','y':453,'label':''},{'x':'6','y':2531,'label':'Aug'},{'x':'7','y':500,'label':''},{'x':'8','y':45,'label':''},{'x':'9','y':10000,'label':''},{'x':'10','y':3200,'label':''},{'x':'11','y':20,'label':''},{'x':'12','y':5090,'label':''},{'x':'13','y':250,'label':''},{'x':'14','y':165,'label':''}]
<script type="text/javascript"> 

$(document).ready(function() {
    $('.rDatatable').DataTable( {
        "order": [[ 0, "desc" ]]
    } );
} );
