const { copySync, removeSync, writeJsonSync, existsSync } = require('fs-extra');
const { join } = require('path');
const os = require('os');
const { mkdtempSync } = require('fs');
const { execSync } = require('child_process');
const isBuilding = process.env.NATIVEPHP_BUILDING == 1;
const appId = process.env.NATIVEPHP_APP_ID;
const appName = process.env.NATIVEPHP_APP_NAME;
const fileName = process.env.NATIVEPHP_APP_FILENAME;
const appVersion = process.env.NATIVEPHP_APP_VERSION;
const appUrl = process.env.APP_URL;
const appAuthor = process.env.NATIVEPHP_APP_AUTHOR;
const phpBinaryPath = process.env.NATIVEPHP_PHP_BINARY_PATH;
const certificatePath = process.env.NATIVEPHP_CERTIFICATE_FILE_PATH;

let phpBinaryFilename = 'php';

// Allows us to map the platform name to the directory name for development mode
const platformDirectory = {
    win32: 'win',
    darwin: 'mac',
    linux: 'linux',

// These are the available platforms we can build for
const platforms = ['win', 'mac', 'linux'];

// Default to the current platform for develop mode. Build will pass in an arg that overrides this
let targetOs = platformDirectory[process.platform];

// Default to the current arch for develop mode.
// Build will default to x64 but can be set to arm64
let binaryArch = process.arch;

// If we're building, we need to check for target overrides
if (isBuilding) {
    // Check for a target platform flag
    for (const platform of platforms) {
        if (process.argv.includes('--' + platform)) {
            targetOs = platform;

	// Check for forced ARM build, else default to x64
    if (process.argv.includes('--arm64')) {
        binaryArch = 'arm64';
    } else {
        binaryArch = 'x64';

// Add .exe to the filename if we're on Windows
if (targetOs == 'win') {
    phpBinaryFilename += '.exe';

let updaterConfig = {};

console.log('Binary Source: ', phpBinaryPath);
console.log('Binary Filename: ', phpBinaryFilename);

const binarySrcDir = join(phpBinaryPath, targetOs, binaryArch);
const binaryDestDir = join(__dirname, 'resources/php');

console.log('Arch: ', process.arch);
console.log('Platform: ', process.platform);
try {
    updaterConfig = process.env.NATIVEPHP_UPDATER_CONFIG;
    updaterConfig = JSON.parse(updaterConfig);
} catch (e) {
    updaterConfig = {};

if (phpBinaryPath) {
    try {
        console.log('Copying PHP file(s) from ' + binarySrcDir + ' to ' + binaryDestDir);
        copySync(binarySrcDir, binaryDestDir);
        // If we're on Windows, copy the php.exe from the dest dir to `php`.
        // This allows the same import command to work on all platforms (same binary filename)
        if (targetOs == 'win' && existsSync(join(binaryDestDir, phpBinaryFilename))) {
            console.log('Copying PHP executable from php.exe to just php for cross env compatibility');
            copySync(join(binaryDestDir, phpBinaryFilename), join(binaryDestDir, 'php'));
        console.log('Copied PHP binary to ', binaryDestDir);
    } catch (e) {
        console.error('Error copying PHP binary', e);

if (certificatePath) {
    try {
        let certDest = join(__dirname, 'resources', 'cacert.pem');
        copySync(certificatePath, certDest);
        console.log('Copied certificate file to', certDest);
    } catch (e) {
        console.error('Error copying certificate file', e);

if (isBuilding) {
    console.log('Building for ' + targetOs + ' | ' + binaryArch);
    console.log('updater config', updaterConfig);

    try {
        removeSync(join(__dirname, 'resources', 'app'));

        copySync(binarySrcDir, binaryDestDir);

        // As we can't copy into a subdirectory of ourself we need to copy to a temp directory
        let tmpDir = mkdtempSync(join(os.tmpdir(), 'nativephp'));

        copySync(process.env.APP_PATH, tmpDir, {
            overwrite: true,
            dereference: true,
            filter: (src, dest) => {
                let skip = [
                    // Only needed for local testing
                    join(process.env.APP_PATH, 'vendor', 'nativephp', 'electron', 'vendor'),
                    join(process.env.APP_PATH, 'vendor', 'nativephp', 'laravel', 'vendor'),

                    join(process.env.APP_PATH, 'vendor', 'nativephp', 'php-bin'),
                    join(process.env.APP_PATH, 'vendor', 'nativephp', 'electron', 'bin'),
                    join(process.env.APP_PATH, 'vendor', 'nativephp', 'electron', 'resources'),
                    join(process.env.APP_PATH, 'node_modules'),
                    join(process.env.APP_PATH, 'dist'),

                let shouldSkip = false;
                skip.forEach((path) => {
                    if (src.indexOf(path) === 0) {
                        shouldSkip = true;

                return !shouldSkip;

        copySync(tmpDir, join(__dirname, 'resources', 'app'));

        // Electron build removes empty folders, so we have to create dummy files
        // dotfiles unfortunately don't work.
        writeJsonSync(join(__dirname, 'resources', 'app', 'storage', 'framework', 'cache', '_native.json'), {});
        writeJsonSync(join(__dirname, 'resources', 'app', 'storage', 'framework', 'sessions', '_native.json'), {});
        writeJsonSync(join(__dirname, 'resources', 'app', 'storage', 'framework', 'testing', '_native.json'), {});
        writeJsonSync(join(__dirname, 'resources', 'app', 'storage', 'framework', 'views', '_native.json'), {});
        writeJsonSync(join(__dirname, 'resources', 'app', 'storage', 'app', 'public', '_native.json'), {});
        writeJsonSync(join(__dirname, 'resources', 'app', 'storage', 'logs', '_native.json'), {});


        console.log('Copied app to resources');
        console.log(join(process.env.APP_PATH, 'dist'));

        // We'll use the default PHP binary here, as we can cross-compile for all platforms
            `php ${join(__dirname, 'resources', 'app', 'artisan')} native:minify ${join(__dirname, 'resources', 'app')}`
    } catch (e) {
        console.error('Error copying app to resources');

const deepLinkProtocol = 'nativephp';

module.exports = {
    appId: appId,
    productName: appName,
    directories: {
        buildResources: 'build',
        output: isBuilding ? join(process.env.APP_PATH, 'dist') : undefined,
    files: [
    asarUnpack: ['resources/**'],
    afterSign: 'build/notarize.js',
    win: {
        executableName: fileName,
    nsis: {
        artifactName: appName + '-${version}-setup.${ext}',
        shortcutName: '${productName}',
        uninstallDisplayName: '${productName}',
        createDesktopShortcut: 'always',
    protocols: {
        name: deepLinkProtocol,
        schemes: [deepLinkProtocol],
    mac: {
        entitlementsInherit: 'build/entitlements.mac.plist',
        target: {
            target: 'default',
            arch: ['x64', 'arm64'],
        artifactName: appName + '-${version}-${arch}.${ext}',
        extendInfo: {
            NSCameraUsageDescription: "Application requests access to the device's camera.",
            NSMicrophoneUsageDescription: "Application requests access to the device's microphone.",
            NSDocumentsFolderUsageDescription: "Application requests access to the user's Documents folder.",
            NSDownloadsFolderUsageDescription: "Application requests access to the user's Downloads folder.",
    dmg: {
        artifactName: appName + '-${version}-${arch}.${ext}',
    linux: {
        target: ['AppImage', 'deb'],
        maintainer: appUrl,
        category: 'Utility',
    appImage: {
        artifactName: appName + '-${version}.${ext}',
    npmRebuild: false,
    publish: updaterConfig,
    extraMetadata: {
        name: fileName,
        homepage: appUrl,
        version: appVersion,
        author: appAuthor,

Please note that all pasted data is publicly available.