
namespace core\routers;

use core\traits\Router\ParseUrl;
use core\traits\Router\RouteHelper;

class BaseRoute
    use ParseUrl, RouteHelper;

     * @var array
     * Все роутеры
    protected static $routers = [];

     * @var array
    protected static $patterns = [
        '{integer}' => '[0-9]+',
        '{string}'  => '[a-zA-Z]+',
        '{any}'     => '[^/]+',

     * @param array ...$arguments
    public static function get(...$arguments): void
        static::addRouter('GET', $arguments);

     * @param array ...$arguments
    public static function post(...$arguments): void
        static::addRouter('POST', $arguments);

     * @param string $method
     * @param        $arguments
    private static function addRouter(string $method, $arguments): void
        $collection = collect([$arguments]);

        self::$routers[] = [
            'method'     => $method,
            'url'        => static::replaceUrl($collection->get(0)),
            'parse_url'  => static::parse($collection->get(0)),
            'call'       => $collection->get(1),

     * Служит главной точкой старта для системы роутеров
     * Метод проверяет на роутеры на совпадение
    public function startRoute()
        $currentUrl = route()->getCurrentUrl();

        foreach (static::$routers as $k => $v) {
            $uri = $this->returnCurrentUrl(
                    $v['url'], $currentUrl

            if (preg_match_all(
                '#^'.$uri.'$#', $currentUrl, $matches, PREG_SET_ORDER
            )) {
                if (route()->getRequestMethod() != $v['method']) {
                    throw new \Exception('Incorrect request method');

                $matches['call'] = $v['call'];

        if ($matches) {
            return $this->initRout($matches);
        } else {
            return $this->initNotFoundRout();

     * @param $matches
     * Метод запускается в случае если пользователь перешел по правильной ссылке
     * @return mixed
     * @throws RouterException
    private function initRout($matches)
        if ($matches['call'] instanceof \Closure) {
            return call_user_func($matches['call']);

        $call = explode('@', $matches['call']);
        $class = $call[0];
        $method = $call[1];

        if (! class_exists($class)) {
            throw new Exception('Incorrect path to class');

        // если всего один параметр
        if (2 == count($matches[0])) {
            call_user_func([new $class, $method], $matches[0][1]);
        } else {
            call_user_func_array([new $class, $method], $matches[0]);

     * 404 - страница не найдена
    private function initNotFoundRout()
        echo '404';

Please note that all pasted data is publicly available.